Monday, May 31, 2010

Summer Picnic Club

Calling all people who are fun!
Summer Picnic Club 2010

We are starting a picnic club. I tossed around the idea on twitter as a goofy idea and got a lot of responses, so we decided to make it happen! And I'm so excited.

We'll all take turns suggestion different places to meet every other Saturday. Everyone brings their own little picnic section (blanket, food, silverware, etc.) plus one food item to share with the entire crew. We'd all bring different games, pets, and perhaps even a bubble machine! Can you imagine?

We're trying to make it super casual, of course. Come if you can, stay if you want. Doesn't matter. So you go ahead and email me if you'd like to be in the club!! All the membership entails is receiving emails on locations and times. You can then decide to show up or not! Easy easy.

So email me and join the club! Everyone's doing it.

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