Friday, July 16, 2010

Y is for


in the Yard


and doing Yoga.


Today is the last day of the Alphabet Walk Blog Hop over at One Sidney Road. Head on over to see the rest of the blog-hoppers and their letters of the alphabet!


  1. Oh, I just love it! What a great way to portray the letter Y. I did V, and had a lot of fun participating in the alphabet walk and checking out everyone's fab photos. Have a happy weekend!

  2. oh, this is such an awesome (and way too cute) interpretation of the letter Y! so creative, i just love it :) and what a model you had to work with :)

  3. So sweet, such a willing performer! Happy Weekend :)

  4. this is a fantastic take on the letter Y ~ and such sweet photos

  5. I agree with Piper...what a model! I love how your "youngster" is totally hamming it up for the camera--so cute!

  6. these are the sweetest and cutest pictures ever! Your little model is such a darling...what a great take on Y!

  7. Thank you all for the kind words! We had a lot of fun taking the pictures. Kamryn (youngster) kept asking me, "Ma-ma, why am I doing this??" I saved the unicorn ride for the end so I could keep using the excuse "you'll get to ride your unicorn and I'm gonna take pictures!" She was satisfied. haha!

    So glad I could participate in the Alphabet Blog Hop. Love to do more in the future!
